2017 Solve: "whenever" gem cron job not working on Ubuntu server problem
it cost me entire afternoon!

is a gem that help you write cron job on server more easy, Github: https://github.com/javan/whenever
Code here
this work on my ubuntu server, I have tested
file path: config/schedule.rb
set :path, "/var/www/yuzhu/current"
set :bundle_path, "/usr/local/bin/bundle"
set :rails_path, "/usr/local/bin/rails"
set :output, {:error => "/var/www/random_log/cron_error_log.log", :standard => "/var/www/random_log/cron_log.log"}
job_type :my_rails, 'cd :path && :bundle_path exec :rails_path runner -e production :task :output'
every 3.hours do
my_rails "Location.cal_score"
my_rails "Location.cal_price"
Sorry, this blog called "Ghost". they don't have code highlight yet.
set :path
is because I am using Capistranorb to deploy,
if I don't write this, the path would become /var/www/yuzhu/releases/20171102091713
set :bundle_path
and set :rails_path
is because when I debug using set :output
and following code
every 1.minute do
runner "Location.cal_score"
runner "Location.cal_price"
it just keep saying can't find bundle & can't find rails command.
env PATH not working too (If you have searched on Google, I believe you already saw following solution)
env :PATH, ENV['PATH']
set :environment, ENV['RAILS_ENV']
that's why I use set :bundle_path
and set :rails_path
I spend entire afternoon on this!!!
I hope this can save your time.